Enhancing the impact of medically tailored groceries

by Sifter
Judy Seybold
November 30, 2024
November 30, 2024
Helping patients change their eating behaviors is hard. While the right diet can significantly improve outcomes for chronic health conditions like heart disease and Type 2 diabetes, patients often feel confused about what to eat. They struggle to interpret nutrition labels and ingredient lists when shopping, which often causes them to give up on the prescribed diet.
Sifter is the Food as Medicine Platform.

That's why medically tailored groceries (MTG) are so effective. Connecting patients to the specific grocery foods that support their medical condition makes it easier for them to manage their health through diet. Less frustration, higher compliance, better results.

Now it's possible to amp up MTG efficacy even further. The key is personalization. Balancing MTGs with a patient's cultural background, lifestyle, and taste preferences further enhances long-term positive change. In other words, patients will eat the foods that best support their health condition, if guided to foods familiar to them.

Sifter technology makes this hyper-personalization possible. Our evidence-based dietary algorithms identify grocery food eligibility for hundreds of chronic health conditions, including diabetes, kidney disease, IBS, heart health, and food allergies, as well as religious and cultural preferences. It's even possible to create targeted MTG lists that take account of a patient's ingredient likes and dislikes.

For instance, a medically tailored grocery list for a patient with diabetes would include foods limited in carbohydrates and added sugars, and rich in nutrition. If the patient comes from a cultural background where rice or pasta is central to their diet, they may find it difficult to incorporate many of the foods normally recommended. However, Sifter can identify rice and grain products that support a diabetes diet and appeal to the patient's taste preferences. It's a game-changer when designing prescriptive eating plans that have staying power.

This is why hospital networks, health professionals, and health insurers rely on Sifter to fuel more effective Food as Medicine programs that improve health outcomes and lower healthcare costs.

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