The fast way to launch your Food as Medicine program

by Sifter
Judy Seybold
July 23, 2024
July 23, 2024
What we eat today determines our health tomorrow. That’s why so many companies, from health providers to health insurers, are moving fast to roll out "food as medicine" programs. They realize that helping patients and members eat their way to better health reduces healthcare costs.
Sifter is the Food as Medicine Platform.

But building effective Food as Medicine programs is difficult. Engaging experienced developers to manage constantly changing grocery product data and dietary attribution algorithms is both time consuming and costly. Unless you take Sifter’s easy path.

Our white-label implementation allows any company to quickly and easily launch a Food as Medicine solution. Our "Shop by Diet" technology, available as either a website or mobile app, connects patients and members with grocery products that fit personal health needs, cultural identity, and even ingredient likes and dislikes. And choosing Sifter white-label technology has several additional advantages over building a native application:

Budget-friendly. The most significant cost benefit of white labeling is that you save on expenses related to developing, testing, and maintaining your own product. According to McKinsey, in-house development projects go over budget 45% of the time and deliver 56% less value than predicted.

Faster to market. Creating a Food as Medicine program from scratch can take many months, even years. You can accelerate this process and get your program to market much faster by launching a re-branded version of our Shop By Diet platform and/or Scan By Diet mobile food scanner.

Nationwide food retail network. White-label implementation gives you access to Sifter's growing network of 35,000+ national and local grocers, allowing your clients and patients to easily find healthy foods at their preferred supermarket.

Better quality control. Capitalize on Sifter’s gold-standard food and nutrition database, our evidence-based algorithms, and our next-gen technology. We are the first and only grocery data provider to be FoodMed Certified by Validation Institute, and we're the recipient of the 2024 Health Value Award in the category of Food as Medicine technology. This means you can be confident that your white-label solution from Sifter delivers accurate, up to date, and clinically valid guidance on food selection.

Reap the benefits of Sifter's Food as Medicine platform without extra cost and effort. White-label implementation makes it possible to quickly launch a scalable, science-based solution that makes healthy eating easy for your members and patients — and adds value to your business.

Learn more about our Food as Medicine solutions →

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