Using technology for healthier longevity

by Sifter
Judy Seybold
June 4, 2024
June 4, 2024
While Americans are living longer, there's a growing gap between longevity and good health.
Sifter is the Food as Medicine Platform.

Between 1990 and 2023, the gap between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy — how much of your life is spent in relative good health — grew from 10.8 to 13 years, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Medical advances now catch and treat diseases that used to be fatal, but the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions like diabetes and obesity can make life miserable. This growing gap means a much higher demand for expensive healthcare services and drugs.

Sifter's Food as Medicine platform helps people maintain better health for longer periods by making it easier to stay on medically tailored diets. Our powerful technology accurately identifies which grocery foods best support any number of chronic health conditions, including diabetes, kidney disease, and heart disease. The real-world applications are numerous:

➤ Hospital discharge units use Sifter to generate highly personalized "food scripts" that consider a patient's medical conditions, food intolerances, and cultural preferences. These food scripts make it easier for patients to follow a prescriptive diet program upon release from the hospital.

➤ Dietitians use Sifter to create medically tailored grocery lists for patients, giving them crucial guidance where it counts most: when food shopping.

➤ Health insurers use Sifter to build food benefit programs that encourage members to follow an eating regime that helps manage their chronic condition.

Sifter's technology solutions can help Americans spend more years in good health through better food choices.

Learn more about integrating Sifter into your healthy-eating program.

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